New Release

Heart Knows

This little book is an introduction to tuning in to the Heart, accessing the light within and rediscovering our connection to all of existence, divine unconditional love, or Oneness.

Welcome to THE HEART KNOWS. This little book is an introduction to tuning in to the Heart, accessing the light within and rediscovering our connection to all of existence, divine unconditional love, or Oneness. According to the Heartmath Research Center the energy field of the human heart extends up to five miles beyond the physical body, and it may be even larger. What this means is that we can perceive the world far beyond what we can see. Have you ever thought of someone and soon after they text or call you on the phone? This is the Heart’s high sense perception. Trust it. We are never alone, we are infinitely connected to each other and to the cosmos. Enjoy!

Stacie Leone


Heart Awareness Meditation
2 minutes of awareness
Making space in the heart
Connecting to higher intelligence through the heart
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